Here is more information to help you after your NHS Health Check
Thank you for attending your NHS Health Check
If we have asked you to visit your GP to discuss some of your results, please ensure to make an appointment to visit your practice.
Everyone is at risk of developing some conditions, but the good news is that they can often be prevented – even if you have a history of them in your family.
During your health check you may have been given advice to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease in the future. Cardiovascular diseases include conditions such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and dementia.
Important Information to improve your health and well-being
The food you eat has a big impact on your health. Eating lots of vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, some lean proteins and healthy fats will help your body work at its best. Try to cut down on foods and drinks that are high in fat, salt and sugar.
Cutting down on salt in your diet is a good idea. Eating too much salt raises your blood pressure over time. Most of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy.
Eating foods high in sugar will eventually lead to weight gain, which raises your risk of heart and circulatory diseases. Try to avoid foods high in added sugar like sweetened drinks, flavoured yogurts, cakes and biscuits, and sugary cereals.
We know that being overweight can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes. Too much fat, particularly around your waist, can affect your health.
Being a healthy weight is about watching your portion sizes, swapping some unhealthy foods or snacks for healthier ones, avoiding packaged foods labelled in RED, and being physically active.
Try to eat most green and amber. The label should have guidance on portion size.
Some fats are bad for your health. Eating many foods high in saturated fat like fatty meats, cheeses, butter, cakes and coconut oil can increase your cholesterol levels.
Swap foods high in saturated fats for foods that contain unsaturated fats like olive oil, vegetable oil spreads, nuts, seeds and oily fish.
For more information on healthy eating visit:
Healthy eating - reduce your risk of developing heart disease - BHF
Move More
Being active is very good for your health and reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Try to find activities that you enjoy. Do something that makes your heart beat faster, makes you feel warmer and your breathing faster. Even short bursts can help. Every time you are active for 10 minutes or more it counts. Try to build up to 150 minutes a week. It is also important to reduce the amount of time you spend sitting. Take regular standing breaks during the day.
For local opportunities and support visit: Live Well Greenwich | Healthy living activities around Greenwich, London
Drink Less Alcohol
It is important to keep within the recommended alcohol guidelines. Men and women are recommended to not drink more than 14 units of alcohol each week.
Have a few alcohol-free days each week.
Try smaller drinks, stick to singles, half pints or bottle beer instead of pints or alternate with alcohol free drinks.
For more information on alcohol consumption, please visit:
Quit Smoking
Giving up smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. Even if you have smoked for years, quitting now will still reduce your risk of heart and circulatory diseases.
You are four times more likely to quit with support.
If you would like to accept free nicotine replacement products and support, call the Greenwich Health Stop Smoking service on 0800 068 7123.
For more information on quitting smoking, please visit our Live Well Stop Smoking service.