NHS Health Check Appointment Information
Important Information About Your Upcoming NHS Health Check
If you require an interpretor, special assistance or are on any medication for: Diabetes, Blood Pressure or Cholesterol please call us on 0800 068 7123 prior to booking.
Here is a quick summary of what will happen at your NHS Health Check.
At your appointment our Greenwich Health advisor will take some measurements and ask a series of lifestyle questions to calculate your risk of having a stroke, heart attack or developing kidney disease or dementia over the next 10 years.
We will measure your height and weight and take your waist measurement. We will also take a small finger prick blood test to measure the levels of glucose (blood sugar) and cholesterol (a fatty substance) in your blood.
You will be asked questions relating to your lifestyle which will include smoking, alcohol, activity levels and diet.
From the results we gather we will calculate your risk score and you will be able to discuss the results and look at ways to stay healthy.
We look forward to seeing you at your appointment.
If you have any questions or wish to change your appointment please call us on 0800 068 7123.
Need To Cancel Your Appointment?
Simply call 0800 068 7123 or you can click CANCEL on your appointment confirmation text.