Help Us Help You This Winter By Getting Your Flu Jab
Every year flu has a major impact on the NHS and social care services during winter months; killing thousands of people and hospitalising even more.
The flu vaccination is one of the most effective ways we can protect ourselves, our loved ones and the vulnerable in our community against it.
If you are treated for any of the above conditions contracting the Flu can have serious implications:
The flu virus strikes in winter and it can be far more serious than you think. Flu can lead to serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia, and it can be deadly.
That’s why the flu jab is free if you’re aged 65 or over, or if you have a long-term health condition. If you have young children or grandchildren they may also be eligible for a free flu vaccination. And if you are the main carer of an older or disabled person or if you live with someone who is shielding from coronavirus, you may also be eligible for the free flu jab.

Just Speak To Your GP Or Pharmacist
Also, don’t forget that if you’re aged 65 or over, you are eligible for the pneumococcal vaccine, which will help protect you from pneumococcal diseases such as pneumonia.
Ask your GP today or you can also find more information at www.nhs.uk/fluvaccine

If you are treated for any of the above conditions contracting the Flu can have serious implications:
Heart Disease
People with heart disease, or those who have had a stroke, have a higher risk of serious medical complications from flu, including worsening of their heart disease.
Lung Disease
People with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, emphysema or other conditions that affect the lungs have a higher risk of complications from flu, even if the condition is mild and symptoms are controlled. Complications include pneumonia, heart failure and exacerbation of respiratory symptoms.
Having a respiratory illness causes your airways to become swollen and sensitive to your triggers. Getting the flu causes more swelling and make your airways even more sensitive. This can make your asthma symptoms worse and increase your risk of an asthma attack.
Winter conditions can be very bad for your health, especially if you’re living with diabetes as the risk of hospitalisation can be as much as ten times higher than the rest of the population.
With flu, your blood sugar levels are affected and it becomes difficult to keep it under control. Resistance to fast-acting insulin is a frequent effect of influenza infection.
Liver Disease
The flu vaccine is especially critical for people with an underlying health condition such as liver disease. Having liver disease can limit the types of drugs you can have to help treat the flu virus and any complications if contracted. It may mean spending time in hospital and taking a long time to recover from the effects of the treatment and the virus.
People living with liver conditions are urged to speak to their GP about the annual flu jab to reduce the risk of complications of the virus this winter.
Chronic Neurological Disease
If you have a chronic neurological disease, or you care for someone who has, you need to keep a close eye on your or their overall health and wellbeing. This includes avoiding infections such as flu, which can have serious complications for people with neurological diseases such as:
• Cerebral Palsy
• Motor Neurone Disease
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Wilson’s Disease
• Huntington’s Disease
• Multiple Sclerosis
Some neurological diseases affect your lungs and make breathing difficult. Neurological diseases can make it difficult to regulate your body temperature.
If you catch flu, you are likely to develop a fever, which can make your symptoms worse. For example, one third of people with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis will experience a relapse within 6 weeks of having flu.
Some people with neurological diseases find communication difficult, and you might have problems telling the people who care for you if you start to feel very ill. This could delay getting treatment and make your symptoms worse.
The spleen helps to protect the body against infections. If you don’t have a fully working spleen, you’ll still be able to cope with most infections but, in some cases, serious infection may develop quickly. The flu vaccine helps reduce your risk of developing complications such as a secondary lung infection or pneumonia.
Kidney Disease
Patients with chronic long-term illnesses, including kidney disease, are at least 11 times more likely to die if they get the flu than people not in at risk groups. People with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) are at a higher increase risk of infection as CKD can reduce your body’s natural responses to infection, making it much harder to fight to fight off.